Studying on the Winter Intensive Course

Our Intensive Winter Course in Finnish Language and Culture is organized in Jyväskylä. The aim of the course is to give students a comprehensive experience in language learning in the middle of the Finnish winter. We believe in immersion - the most effective way to learn a language is to use it! Therefore we organize voluntary cultural program in addition to traditional classroom lessons on our intensive courses. On our courses you won't only learn the language, you will also experience Central Finland and get know Finnish culture.

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The Intensive Course includes 48 teaching hours (á 45 min) of Finnish language studies. Additionally the course includes 10 hours of cultural program to support language learning in a natural everyday environment. We also offer additional activities which may have an additional fee.

The teachers of the course are professionally qualified, and they provide you with high quality teaching. Aside from the teachers our course staff includes course coordinators from the Summer University of Jyväskylä. Course coordinators will also instruct the cultural activities.

At the end of the course all participants receive a course certificate.

Course structure

Teaching takes place during weekdays (Mon-Fri) at 9.15–15.00 (6 x 45 min.). The teaching is organized in level groups.

In case we don't get enough participants for your preferred level group, we will let you know immediately after the registration period has ended. In this case you will have a chance to join another level group or cancel your registration.

Our cultural program is built to support traditional classroom studies. It is scheduled so that everybody can join in should they wish to.

Study groups

The teaching is organized in language level groups ranging from beginners to advanced. Every level group is not organized every year. Please check the current level group offer at the registration page. Groups size is max 15 students.

The preliminary group assignments are made based on the information from registration (a short text and self-evaluation). Please note that you should register based on your current Finnish skill level, not your goal level!

Skill level descriptions:

A1: You already know the basics of the language and some words and phrases, and can ask and answer simple questions. You can use simple phrases and sentences to describe e.g. where you live, where you are from, your family. You can talk a little about you day, the weather, ask for directions in a simple way and you know basic food and drink vocabulary. You know the basic Finnish grammar: personal pronouns, verb conjugation in present tense, k-p-t -change, verb types 1-5, question words, partitive case, genitive case, numbers (you don't have to be able to use all of these fluently, though!) This group is suitable for you, if you have completed e. g. Suomen mestari 1 or Oma Suomi 1, or another Finnish text book with similar themes.

A2: Starting level: A2. You can read and write simple, short texts. You can tell basic things about yourself, your family, your background etc. and you know some vocabulary within the themes of free-time, work, education and health. You know some more Finnish grammar: past tenses (imperfekti, perfekti, pluskvamperfekti), plural forms, word types.

B1: You understand clear standard speech on familiar topics. You can manage e.g. usual travel situations in Finnish, talk about cultural differences, write a letter or an email and can give arguments for your points in conversations. You already know e. g. the following grammar topics: konditionaalin preesens ja perfekti, passiivi, adjektiivien komparatiivi ja superlatiivi, adverbien vertailu.

B2: You understand extended speech and you can read for example articles and literary prose in Finnish. You can have fluent conversations on different topics including e. g. work life/applying for a job, science, culture, current issues and news topics. You already know and use some puhekieli, many different cases (sijamuodot), incl. partisiippi and verbi+rektio -constructions.

Note! Every year the themes, structure, and teaching methods might differ depending on the group and its teacher. Teachers plan their teaching to a certain level, but they also listen to students' wishes.

You can evaluate your Finnish language skills here:

Still not sure about your starting level? Dialang is a free online test tool which can be helpful. You can also contact Summer Uni and we will help you to figure out your starting level!

What will we do on the course?

During the course every level group will practice speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary. They will also practice different ways of learning the language and create effective study routines so that the learning would continue effectively also beyond the course.

The teaching methods are versatile and represent modern Finnish language education. Our teachers do their best to accommodate to the groups wishes regarding teaching content and which themes to cover, however, typically communicative tasks and speaking are emphasized. There is no bigger test at the end of the course, but you will get an evaluation from your teacher of how your language skills have developed.

The language of instruction is Finnish, but English may be used as an auxiliary language if required, especially on beginner and intermediate levels.

Target group

The Finnish Intensive Winter Course is aimed at everyone over the age of 18 from all around the world, who are interested in Finnish language and culture. On the previous courses the ages of our students have ranged from 18 to 70 years old.

The teaching language on the course is Finnish. Please notice that English is used as a supporting language for teaching. Therefore a sufficient level of understanding basic English is required for joining the course.

Study material

You will be provided a textbook chosen by the teacher in the beginning of the course, included in the course fee. Often  other materials are used as well, such as games, music etc.
For our advanced level groups a "practice book" combined with text material (e. g. a book including short stories or essays) might be used instead of a traditional text book. This is due to the fact that there are not many well suited options for advanced Finnish learners available.

Course venue

The course venue is located at the Mattilanniemi campus of the University of Jyväskylä. Cultural program will be organized at different venues in (and also outside of) Jyväskylä.
