Accommodation, arriving and getting around

Options for accommodation in Jyväskylä during the course as well as information about arriving to and getting around in Jyväskylä.

Options for accommodation

Intensive Courses in Finnish Language and Culture do not include accommodation. Here are a few suggestions on where to find affordable accommodation during the course. In case you need assistance with finding accommodation, contact our office at

  • Finlandia Hotelli AlbaAlba

    Finlandia Hotel Alba welcomes the participants of the Finnish Language Intensive Course to stay in the beautiful surroundings of Lake Jyväsjärvi, Mattilanniemi (next to the course venue) as follows:
    Single standard €80.00 / night
    Twin standard €92.00 / night
    Single economy €75.00 / night
    Sauna-equipped Junior Suite for one person €156.00 / night
    Sauna-equipped Junior Suite for two persons €176.00 / night

    The prices include a generous breakfast buffet and the opportunity to use the customer sauna during designated hours. S
    wimming is available from our pier or the nearby beach. Additionally, our guests have access to free parking and Wi-Fi. We kindly ask you to make reservations directly with the hotel using the booking code SUOMI25 at, +35814636311 or via online booking with campaign code SUOMI25. Prices are valid for the Summer Course 2025 for specified dates: June 28th to July 21st. If you wish to book outside these dates, please contact Reservations can be canceled up until 16:00 on the arrival day, and the room must be paid for at the hotel. Invoices are only processed if agreed upon in advance. Rooms are available from 14:00 onwards.

  • Green star hotel Jyväskylä 
    Rooms fit 1-3 people. Breakfast 12 € when booked in advance, 15 € when booked on site. A good option, if you would like to share a room with a friend. Summer University has a code for a small discount for this hotel. If you want to book your stay at this hotel, please ask us for the code at NB! We only give the discount code to participants who have already registered on our course in Jyväskylä.

  • Hotel Milton
    Discount prices for booking per email:
    Monday - Thursday: 
    85,00€/night / Single room
    110,00€/night /Double room
    150,00€/night / 3 people room
    Prices include breakfast and sauna. Rates valid when there is availability (excl. during big events). Book your stay at, remember to mention that you are participating on Summer University's course, in order to get the discount. Rates valid for the Summer Course 2025.

  • Forenom Hostel & Apartments

  • Time Hostel & Apartments

  • Omena Hotel
    Summer University has a code for a small discount for this hotel. If you want to book your stay at this hotel, please ask us for the code at NB! We only give the discount code to participants who have already registered on our course in Jyväskylä.

  • Scandic Hotels
    Summer University has a code for a small discount for this hotel. If you want to book your stay at this hotel, please ask us for the code at NB! We only give the discount code to participants who have already registered on our course in Jyväskylä.

  • AirBnB

Visit Jyväskylä Region has a long list of accommodation options on their website.

Accommodation in Kortepohja's Student Village (ONLY POSSIBLE FOR THE SUMMER COURSE!)

Soihtu student housing
Room in Kortepohja student village's shared apartments. Two other course participants will stay in the same apartment. 

See the accommodation offer summary here!

Price summer 2025
Rent is per person/room for three weeks 30.6.-20.7.2025, one person/room in a shared apartment. Reservations are binding!
Apartments in building Q: 339 € 
Apartments in buildings R: 320-372 €

Application period 2025
April 1st to May 18th. Link will be sent to registered course participants by the end of March.

Our Summer Course participants can apply for accommodation from Soihtu in the apartments of Kortepohja Student Village. There is secured a tentative allotment of apartments / guest rooms in the Kortepohja Student Village (48 rooms in Q-building, 12 rooms in R-building), a well-known and popular student housing facility in the lush and culturally renowned neighborhood of Kortepohja (about 2.5 kilometers / 1.5 miles from the main campus and the city center). 

Each participant will have their own private study-bedroom. Kitchenette/kitchen and bathroom are shared with two other course participants who have their own bedrooms. There is basic furniture in the rooms as well as a blanket, pillow, bed linen and some basic kitchenware. Also included in the room price is the possibility to use the small Rentukka gym, common sauna and laundry room. More details on furnished apartments can be found on Soihtu's website. Please note that some of the information does not apply for our summer course participants (e. g. bed linen IS included for our participants, even if it normally isn't, rent contract will be made for three weeks and not for a whole month).

This year, course participants interested in renting a room in a shared apartment for the duration of the course must apply for a room through Soihtu's system. A link for the application will be sent to all course participants by the end of March. Application period is April 1st to May 18th 2025. After the application period has ended, Soihtu will be in contact with all applicants and prepare the rent contracts.

If you apply early in the application period, you don't have to worry about not getting a room: Soihtu has reserved 60 rooms for our summer course participants, so there should be enough apartments for all interested participants. We try our best to also communicate with Soihtu and to let our participants know in case there would only be few rooms left at the end of the application period.

Soihtu is not obligated to accommodate a customer with a special Summer University price after the reservation time has expired. For any questions and requests, please contact

Soihtu is owned by The Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä. Summer University and Soihtu are separate organizations.

Route from Kortepohja to Mattilanniemi (the course venue) on the map here: 

Arriving in Jyväskylä

Most people travel to Finland on a plane. It is also possible to take a ferry from Stockholm to Turku or Helsinki, from Tallinn to Helsinki or from Travemünde to Helsinki (Finnlines). Ferry companies operating between Stockholm/Tallinn and Helsinki are Viking Line and Silja Line. Eckerö Line operates only between Tallinn and Helsinki.

If you fly to Helsinki, you can get on the Jyväskylä train connecting directly from the airport with changing trains only once in less than 3,5 hours. Buy your tickets in the VR web shop here. You can find the VR mobile app at App Store or in Google Play store.

Bus is also a good option to travel to Jyväskylä. However, there is no long-distance bus going straight from the airport to Jyväskylä, so you have to take the bus from Helsinki. Check the long-distance bus schedules and prices here

Getting around in Jyväskylä

The public transport system in the Jyväskylä region is called Linkki. In the Jyväskylä regional public transportation buses you can pay either with Mobile ticket (Linkki App), cash or payment card. Check the local transport trip planner for information on routes.

Biking is a perfect way of getting around in Jyväskylä in summertime. You can rent a bicycle from e.g. Polkupyörätori (Vaasankatu 8) when you arrive. Make sure to follow Finnish traffic rules while biking and note that cyclists are required to wear a protective helmet (Road Traffic Act section 92).

Campus and course venue

Kesäyliopiston toimisto

All Finnish lessons are held at Agora-building, Mattilanniemi university campus. You can use this map to find buildings and classrooms:

Summer University's office can be found on the 3rd floor of the Agora-building.

Route from Soihtu/Kortepohja student village to Mattilanniemi campus (the course venue) on the map here:

Please note that parking on the campus is not free of charge! You need the eParking app to park on campus. You can read more from here: