Jyväsjärvi in the evening

University of the 3rd Age in Jyväskylä

What the University of the 3rd age in Jyväskylä does?

The University of the Third Age (U3A) is a scientific meeting spot of knowledge and life experience. In U3A there are activities such as weekly lecture series, different seminars and courses, IT training and field trips all without pressure over grades or performance. All interested are warmly welcome to join. The U3A activities are also organized together with the University of Jyväskylä and the city of Jyväskylä.

U3A activities are weekly organized lectures, seminars on languages, digital skills etc. and also study trips in Finland and abroad. You can read more about our current activities in U3A web pages in the Finnish language.

Learn more about the historical backround of U3A in Finland here.